what should you do if you witness a hit-and-run incident

hit-and-run incident

Steps to Take Immediately After a hit-and-run incident

Getting caught up in a hit-and-run incident is really stressful, and you shouldn’t have to figure everything out by yourself. Knowing what to do right after can make a big difference. This guide will walk you through the important steps to take immediately after a hit-and-run incident. It’s all about staying safe and making sure you handle things the right way with the law and your insurance.

I. Assess Your Safety and Well-Being

According to Value Penguin, over 60% of fatal hit-and-run incident involve pedestrians, emphasizing the need to check yourself for injuries first. Conduct a head-to-toe assessment and look for symptoms like pain, swelling, bleeding, or bruising. Also watch out for delayed signs of trauma once adrenaline wears off. Getting timely medical care is crucial, so call 911 immediately if hurt.

II. Secure the Scene when you stuck hit-and-run incident

With 9.5% of fatal crashes at night involving hit-and-run incident, securing the scene quickly takes priority, especially in low visibility. Here are some tips:

  • Move your vehicle safely to the road shoulder, sidewalk, or nearby parking lot to get out of traffic flow. Activate hazard lights to alert other drivers.
  • In situations involving fatal car accidents, it’s essential to seek legal counsel from experienced fatal car accident lawyers who can provide guidance on the legal processes and potential claims that may arise from such tragic events. They can help you navigate complex legal matters while you focus on your well-being and recovery.
  • If your vehicle is inoperable, exit and stand away from the road in a safe visible spot. For night time collisions, use flares or reflective triangles to mark the area.
  • Check on any passengers or others involved to call for medical assistance if required. In case of serious injuries, call 911 immediately and do not attempt to move the victim.
  • Before exiting your car, make sure you can do so safely without risk of further collision. Check for oncoming vehicles and choose the passenger side for exit if possible.
  • If you have a roadside assistance policy, contact them as they can provide proxy transportation or arrange towing so you can get out of an active roadway.
  • Obtain contact details of witnesses on scene and ask them to remain present where safe to provide their accounts to law enforcement.
  • Take photos of property damage, skid marks, debris, points of impact, and the overall scene from various angles. This captures invaluable evidence.

Securing the scene quickly is crucial for safety and preserves vital evidence by preventing tampering or loss before authorities arrive. While avoiding risks, make the area visible to traffic and get yourself and others to safety first.

III. Contact Law Enforcement

With hit-and-run crashes surging by 89.4% in the past decade, promptly alerting law enforcement is critical. Here’s how to effectively report the incident:

  • Call 911 or the local police department non-emergency line depending on injuries sustained. Clearly state you were the victim of a hit-and-run collision.
  • Provide the exact location and time the hit-and-run incident occurred. Mention nearby landmarks, mile markers, intersection streets, or buildings to pinpoint the location.
  • Offer vehicle descriptions like colour, make/model, license plate number and state if visible, identifying damage, and direction it drove off. Share any details remembered about the driver.
  • Mention the other vehicle’s involvement, passengers, and any injuries sustained by those parties if applicable.
  • Request a copy of the police report for insurance and legal reasons. Also, obtain the responding officer’s badge ID and contact details.
  • Ask about the next steps and whether you must remain on the scene. If injured, request or arrange medical transportation.
  • Follow up with the investigating law enforcement department in the coming days to check if any leads developed or suspects were apprehended.

Timely law enforcement reporting is not only legally required but also provides official documentation to support insurance claims and hit-and-run investigations. Ensure all pertinent details are captured accurately.

IV. Gather Critical Information

While fresh in your mind, take down important accident details, such as:

  • The make, model, colour, and license plate of the fleeing car, plus any stickers, damage, or customizations that could help identify it.
  • Direction the vehicle drove off and any description of the driver you could gather
  • The exact time and location of the hit-and-run, weather, lighting, and road conditions when it occurred
  • Landmarks, buildings, businesses, intersections, mile markers, or residences near the site of impact
  • Any obstacles turns, or exits the fleeing driver would have encountered in their escape route
  • Other vehicle passengers who may provide statements later, if present and uninjured

Photograph the following:

  • Damage sustained to your vehicle and overall accident scene from various angles
  • Debris, skid marks, scrapes, dents, or paint from the vehicles to identify points of impact
  • Nearby buildings or poles that may have exterior security cameras capturing footage
  • License plates of other vehicles parked nearby that may have dashboard cameras activation at the time

Compiling as much verifiable evidence and data as possible aids police in identifying and prosecuting hit-and-run drivers. Written notes, photos, and videos provide invaluable investigation leads.

V. Locate Witnesses

Check if there are any witnesses present who saw the actual collision or fleeing vehicle. Get their contact details and full accounts in writing to share with the police. See if nearby businesses have exterior security cameras that may have captured footage. Statements and video evidence boost hit-and-run investigations substantially.

VI. Report to Your Insurance Provider

Contact your insurer promptly even if not at fault. Provide details of the incident, damage incurred, injuries claimed, and the police report. Review your policy and know that deductibles may apply for repairs, medical care may utilize PIP, and liability claims have strict statutes of limitations.

VII. Understanding the Legalities

Most states impose felony criminal charges if leaving the scene causes injuries, especially if severe. However, limited exceptions allow fleeing if only property damage occurred and information was provided to police in a reasonable timeframe. Consult qualified legal counsel regarding your rights and responsibilities.

VIII. Using Uninsured Motorist Insurance

Since the at-fault driver fled, utilize uninsured motorist coverage through your policy to pay for injuries and vehicle damage above deductible amounts. Understand applicable limits and how claims against your own policy may impact premiums. An attorney can negotiate fair settlements.

Being blindsided by a hit-and-run incident can leave you feeling powerless initially. But taking the right steps immediately, from documenting evidence to contacting law enforcement and your insurer, empowers you to take control and handle the aftermath safely and effectively. Prioritize your well-being, then work methodically through each recommended action. Before long, an awful situation will be behind you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be liable for chasing a hit-and-run incident driver?

Pursuing a fleeing driver poses serious risks and in most states violates laws. Reporting all details to 911 is safest. Let law enforcement attempt to locate the driver.

How soon should I file an insurance claim after a hit-and-run incident?

Contact your insurer as soon as possible after taking emergency actions like seeking medical care. Many policies have strict claims reporting deadlines, some within 24 hours of the incident.

What if there were absolutely no witnesses to my hit-and-run incident?

Lack of witnesses makes investigations challenging but not impossible. Video footage and physical evidence may still provide clues. An experienced attorney can pursue other legal avenues to help prove your case.


Key Takeaways

Being the victim of a hit-and-run incident can be extremely stressful. However, staying calm and taking the right steps is crucial for handling the aftermath effectively.

  • Assess your safety and injuries first before doing anything else. Seek medical attention immediately if required.
  • Secure the scene by moving to safety, alerting other drivers, checking on passengers, and gathering witness contact details and photos.
  • Promptly contact law enforcement to report all accident details. Follow up on the investigation in the coming days.

By prioritizing your wellbeing, collecting evidence, and contacting the authorities, you can take control of the situation. With time, the right care, and possible legal guidance, you will persevere through this difficult experience.

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